Sam’s blog
Hi! This is a place for me to store notes as I learn about topics like functional programming, performant computing and statistics.
You can find me on GitHub here:
- Efficiently fitting a rolling linear regression model using the Sherman-Morrison Formula
- Calculating prefix sums and numerically solving recurrence relations in parallel
- Implementing Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares to numerically estimate parameters for a GLM in C++
- Market Microstructure: Modelling Limit Order Books as a Continuous Time Markov Process
- Implementing Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms for Bayesian inference in C++: Metropolis-Hastings and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- Quantifying the middle of nowhere using geospatial data in Python
- Benchmarking my perception of sound using Bayesian statistics: Learning about the Jeffreys Prior
- What is a good Brier score? - Looking at implied probabilities from Manifold Markets
- Pricing options with Stochastic Difference Equations using a jump-difusion model and simulating economies in parallel using co-arrays in Fortran
- Modelling branch mispredicts
- Writing a kernel module for speed and profit
- Optimising a Graph Clustering Algorithm
- Lehmer’s Algorithm: Computing the Greatest Common Divisor of multiple-precision integers
- Every infinite c.e. set has an infinite computable subset
- A programming language based on set theory
- Intuitionistic Excluded Middle, Glivenko’s theorem and the Gödel-Gentzen translation
- The Type-Theoretic Axiom of Choice
- I enjoy solving problems
- A cool combinator
- My favourite proof
- The Fibonacci sequence and primitive recursion
- Let’s do some coursework
- Buzzword: Durhack 2022
- Functional Programming in Go
- Just Another Perl Hacker